Spraying Lacquer with HVLP | Step it Up

Spraying Lacquer with HVLP | Step it Up

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Welcome to our blog post! Today, we will be discussing the topics covered in the YouTube video titled “”. In this video, we are joined by the well-known Idaho painter and a member of his crew, John, as they demonstrate the process of spray lacquering using HVLP (high volume, low pressure) systems.

The video addresses the common question of what type of lacquer should be used for furniture or other projects, emphasizing that any lacquer can be used as long as it can be sprayed. However, it is important to note that some lacquers, such as brushing lacquer, are not suitable for spraying and should be used accordingly.

The video also introduces the Sherwood high build catalyzed lacquer, which offers a hard finish and a thicker coating compared to inexpensive aerosol lacquers. To demonstrate the spraying process, the Idaho painter and his crew utilize the Titan cap spray 105, a four-stage turbine unit, which is specifically designed for spraying purposes. This lightweight and portable unit allows for easier maneuverability compared to traditional air compressors.

Throughout the video, they discuss the various controls and adjustments that can be made using the HVLP system, including air pressure, material flow, and trigger pull. By understanding and utilizing these controls effectively, users can achieve optimal results when spray lacquering.

Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional painter, this video provides valuable insights and tips for improving your lacquering process. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the topic discussed in this video and explore the advantages of HVLP systems for spray lacquering.

Below Table of Contents

1. “The Benefits of Spraying Lacquer with HVLP: Step Up Your Finishing Game”

Spraying lacquer with HVLP (high volume low pressure) can greatly enhance your finishing game. Whether you are working on furniture or other projects, using an HVLP system offers several benefits compared to traditional spray cans. One advantage is the ability to achieve a professional finish by applying multiple coats of lacquer smoothly and evenly.

When it comes to selecting the right lacquer for your project, any lacquer that can be sprayed will work. Even brushing lacquer can be used if you are working on smaller projects. However, for a harder and thicker finish, consider using a high build catalyzed lacquer. This type of lacquer has a shelf life and provides a more durable result, making it ideal for cabinets or other surfaces that need extra protection.

To achieve the best results, it’s essential to have the right equipment. An HVLP system typically consists of a turbine unit and a spray gun. The turbine unit supplies air to the spray gun, allowing for a lightweight and portable setup. The Titan CapSpray 105 is a recommended HVLP gun, often paired with a four-stage turbine unit like the Titan Maxum Elite. With controls for air pressure and material flow, you can easily adjust the spray pattern and achieve the desired outcome.

Utilizing an HVLP system for spraying lacquer offers several advantages, including the ability to achieve a professional finish, increased durability, and the flexibility to work on various projects. By investing in the right equipment and choosing high-quality lacquer, you can elevate your finishing game and achieve impressive results. So why stick to spray cans when you can step up your game with HVLP?

2. “Choosing the Right Lacquer for Furniture and Other Projects”

When it comes to choosing the right lacquer for your furniture and other projects, there are a few key factors to consider. One important factor is whether you are using a sprayer or a brush. If you are using a sprayer, it’s crucial to choose a lacquer that is specifically designed for spray application. Look for lacquers that are labeled as “spray lacquer” or “lacquer for spraying” to ensure optimal results.

Another important consideration is the type of finish you want to achieve. For a harder finish, you may want to opt for a catalyzed lacquer. These lacquers have a shelf life and require a catalyst to activate, but they provide a more durable and long-lasting finish. On the other hand, if you are working on smaller projects or using a brush, you can still achieve great results with brushing lacquers. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid using brushing lacquers in a sprayer.

When it comes to equipment, using an HVLP (high volume, low pressure) system can greatly improve your lacquering experience. Instead of using multiple cans of spray lacquer, an HVLP system allows for better control and coverage. One popular HVLP system is the Titan CapSpray 105, which includes a four-stage turbine unit and a lightweight spray gun. This system provides consistent airflow and pressure, resulting in a smoother application and a professional-looking finish.

Choosing the right lacquer for your furniture and other projects can make a significant difference in the final outcome. By considering factors such as the application method, desired finish, and equipment, you can ensure that your project turns out beautifully. Whether you opt for a spray lacquer or a brushing lacquer, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take the necessary precautions for a safe and successful lacquering process.

3. “Exploring HVLP Spray Systems: A Closer Look at the Titan Cap Spray 105”

The Titan Cap Spray 105 is a HVLP spray system that offers efficient and professional results. This system is equipped with a four-stage turbine that works perfectly with the Titan Maxim Elite gun, making it a powerful and reliable choice for any painting project. One of the advantages of this system is its lightweight design, which makes it easy to move around and use in different areas of your workspace.

When it comes to the type of lacquer you should use with the Titan Cap Spray 105, there are a few options to consider. Any lacquer that can be sprayed will work, but it’s important to choose one that is compatible with this system. For example, Sherwood high build catalyzed lacquer is a popular choice for cabinets and finishes. This lacquer provides a harder finish and gives a thicker and more professional appearance compared to inexpensive spray can lacquers.

The Titan Cap Spray 105 comes with various controls that allow you to adjust the air pressure and material flow, giving you control over the final result. By adjusting the air pressure, you can control the amount of air that is released from the gun, which in turn affects the pressure and coverage of the sprayed material. Similarly, adjusting the material flow determines how much lacquer is released when you pull the trigger. These controls ensure that you achieve optimal coverage and a smooth finish.

With its powerful four-stage turbine and lightweight design, the Titan Cap Spray 105 is a versatile and reliable choice for any professional painting project. This HVLP system, when paired with the right lacquer, guarantees efficient and high-quality results. Whether you’re painting cabinets or applying lacquer to furniture, this system provides the control and precision you need to achieve a flawless finish.

4. “Mastering the Controls: How to Optimize Your HVLP Lacquer Spraying Technique

In this section, we will discuss how to optimize your HVLP lacquer spraying technique for superior results. One of the first considerations when using an HVLP system is the type of lacquer to use. Any lacquer that can be sprayed can be used for furniture or other projects. However, it’s important to avoid using lacquers that are meant for brushing, as they may not work well in a sprayer. Look for lacquers that are specifically labeled for spraying, such as Sherwood high build catalyzed lacquer. This type of lacquer not only provides a harder finish but also gives a thicker appearance compared to inexpensive spray can lacquers.

To achieve optimal spraying performance, you will need the right equipment. Two popular options are using a separate air compressor or using an HVLP turbine unit. The latter option, like the Titan Cap Spray 105 with a four-stage turbine, is designed exclusively for spraying tasks. It is lightweight and easy to maneuver, offering convenience and ease of use. Controls on the unit allow you to adjust air pressure and material flow to achieve the desired spraying effect. This level of control is particularly important in lacquer spraying as it affects the distance and amount of material dispensed.

Mastering the controls of your HVLP system is crucial for achieving professional results. Start by adjusting the air pressure to control the amount of air reaching the gun’s tip. This will impact the atomization and coverage of the lacquer. Additionally, controlling the material flow will determine how far you can pull back the trigger and affect the amount of material being sprayed. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these controls and their impact on your spraying technique. It may require some practice to find the perfect balance, but once mastered, your lacquer spraying technique will be optimized for flawless finishes.

With the right lacquer and equipment, along with a good understanding of the controls, you can enhance your HVLP lacquer spraying technique. Remember to always follow manufacturer instructions and guidelines for both the lacquer and the equipment you are using. With practice, patience, and attention to detail, you’ll be able to achieve professional-quality results every time. So, equip yourself with the appropriate HVLP system and start optimizing your lacquer spraying technique for amazing finishes on your projects.


Q: What is the topic of the YouTube video with the title “”?
A: The topic of the video is spraying lacquer using High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) equipment.

Q: Who are the individuals featured in the video?
A: The video features the Idaho Painter, Crisp, and a member of his crew named John.

Q: Why do some people recommend using an HVLP system instead of spray cans for lacquer?
A: Some people recommend using an HVLP system because it allows for more controlled and efficient application of the lacquer, instead of going through multiple spray cans.

Q: What type of lacquer can be used for furniture and other projects?
A: Any type of lacquer that can be sprayed can be used for furniture and other projects.

Q: Can brushing lacquer be used with a sprayer?
A: Brushing lacquer is not recommended for use with a sprayer. However, some small projects that are normally brushed may be sprayed with brushing lacquer.

Q: What type of lacquer does the Idaho Painter typically use for cabinets and finishes?
A: The Idaho Painter uses Sherwood high build catalyzed lacquer for cabinets and finishes.

Q: What are the advantages of using a high build lacquer?
A: High build lacquer provides a harder finish and creates a thicker appearance compared to inexpensive spray can lacquers.

Q: What equipment is used in the video for spraying lacquer?
A: In the video, they use a Titan Cap Spray 105 gun along with a four-stage turbine unit called the Titan Maxim Elite.

Q: How does the HVLP system work?
A: The HVLP system uses an air compressor, specifically designed for spraying, to send air through a hose to the spray gun. The air, combined with the lacquer, is then sprayed onto the surface.

Q: What are the controls on the HVLP system and what do they do?
A: The controls on the HVLP system include the air pressure control, which adjusts the amount of air coming out of the gun, and the material flow control, which affects how far the trigger can be pulled back to release the lacquer.

Q: How does the HVLP system compare to a regular air compressor?
A: The HVLP system is lighter and easier to move around compared to a regular air compressor. It is also specifically designed for spraying, providing better control and efficiency.

Q: Are there any other features or benefits of using an HVLP system for spraying lacquer?
A: The video does not mention any additional features or benefits of using an HVLP system for spraying lacquer.

Final Notes

In conclusion, using an HVLP system for spraying lacquer is a game-changer when it comes to efficiency and achieving a professional finish. While any lacquer can be used as long as it can be sprayed, it is recommended to use a high build catalyzed lacquer for a harder and thicker finish. The Titan Cap Spray 105, coupled with a four-stage turbine unit, is the go-to choice for HVLP spraying. Not only is it lightweight and easy to maneuver, but it also offers precise control over air pressure and material flow. So, if you’re tired of going through can after can of spray lacquer, it’s time to step it up and embrace the benefits of HVLP spraying. Work safer, work smarter, and achieve outstanding results with an HVLP system.
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Using a ⁢High‌ Volume ​Low‌ Pressure‍ (HVLP) ⁣paint gun to spray lacquer is ​the best choice‍ for smaller specialty projects.​ The process⁢ involves ‍a few ‌steps⁤ to achieve an even, all-over finish. ‍The following guide will⁤ show ⁤you how to use the HVLP gun in ‍six easy steps.

First⁢ you will need to gather ⁤the necessary materials to⁢ get started.‌ You will need disposable coveralls, ‌safety ‍goggles, ⁢respirator,⁤ HVLP gun with disposable ‍cup, paper ‌towels, lacquer,​ and a ‍well ⁣ventilated area.

The next step ⁤is to⁣ prep the‌ area of work. Make sure that the ⁣wall surface is free from dust,‌ dirt, ‌grease ​and any other ‌potential contaminants. This ⁢will help to ensure a clean,⁤ even finish.

After prepping ⁣the work area, the​ HVLP gun must ‍be set up‍ correctly. Attach a disposable cup to​ the gun, then pour⁢ a liberal amount ⁤of lacquer inside. Be ‌sure to ‍follow the‍ manufacturer’s⁢ instructions ⁤for any additional‍ setup steps.

Once ‍you have the gun ready, it‌ is time to ⁢start spraying. Put on your safety goggles and respirator,⁣ then begin to spray the lacquer⁣ onto⁢ the ⁣wall surface. ⁢Hold the nozzle at ‌a slight ‍angle and‌ spray ⁢in a steady, sweeping motion. Do‌ not spray⁣ directly at the⁤ wall ​as this⁤ can produce an uneven finish.

When ⁣you are ‌done spraying, make sure to let‍ all⁣ of the lacquer dry before ⁣applying a second coat. ⁤This can take several hours, so you may want⁣ to let‍ the area dry ‍overnight before ‌continuing.

Finally,‍ when all‌ of⁤ the lacquer has dried, inspect ​the surface to make sure that the finish is even ‍and consistent. If the area needs more even coverage, ⁣you​ may need to lightly sand and‍ then add another ​coat of lacquer.

By ‍following these six ‌easy⁤ steps, you can successfully spray lacquer⁤ with ​an ⁣HVLP gun.⁣ With a little time ‌and​ effort, you ​can get professional-looking​ results.



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