How To Style The Perfect Burger For Instagram

How To Style The Perfect Burger For Instagram

Hello, food enthusiasts! Welcome to our blog post where we’ll be diving into the art of styling the perfect burger for Instagram. In this captivating YouTube video titled “,” LA-based food stylist Santos Low takes us through his process of creating an irresistibly photogenic barbecue bacon cheeseburger with creamy slaw. With a professional tone, Santos walks us through every meticulous detail, from selecting the bun to perfectly toasting it in a cast iron skillet. He also shares his secrets on creating volume and texture with bacon curls and crafting the ideal patty using a blend of 80% lean beef and 20% fat. So, let’s dive in and discover the recipe for a burger that not only tastes amazing but also looks Instagram-worthy in every frame.

Below Table of Contents

1. How to Style and Toast the Perfect Brioche Bun for Instagram-Worthy Burgers

preheated grill to finish cooking. This will give the burger a nice charred flavor and grill marks for that perfect Instagram-worthy look.

Now let’s talk about the creamy slaw that will accompany our burger. I like to use a mixture of cabbage and carrots for a crunchy texture and vibrant colors. Start by shredding the cabbage and carrots into thin strips. You can either do this by hand or use a mandoline for more precise cuts.

In a mixing bowl, combine the shredded cabbage and carrots with mayonnaise, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix everything together until well combined. Adjust the seasoning to your taste, adding more vinegar or salt if needed. Once the slaw is ready, refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

To assemble the burger, start with the toasted brioche bun as the base. Place the cooked patty on top, followed by a few strips of the maple bacon. Next, add a generous portion of the creamy slaw on top of the bacon, allowing it to hang over the sides for a visually appealing effect. Finally, place the top half of the brioche bun on top. You can secure it with a decorative skewer if desired.

Remember, presentation is key when it comes to Instagram-worthy burgers. Take your time to arrange each component of the burger neatly and make sure everything is in place before taking that perfect shot to share with your followers. Happy styling and toasting!

2. Expert Tips for Creating Volume and Texture in Your Bacon-Cheeseburger for Stunning Food Photography

burger press to get those nice grill marks on the patty. This will add depth and texture to the overall look of the burger.

Once the patties are cooked to your desired doneness, it’s time to assemble the burger. Start by placing the toasted brioche bun on a plate. Next, add a generous amount of your favorite cheese. I recommend using a melty cheese like cheddar or American for that perfect gooey texture.

Now, it’s time to add the bacon. Take the beautifully curled bacon and carefully place it on top of the cheese, creating those desirable shelves for the slaw to rest on. The volume created by the bacon curls will make the burger look more visually appealing and give it that wow factor in your food photography.

To finish off, add a generous amount of creamy slaw on top of the bacon. The slaw will not only add a pop of color but also provide a nice contrast in texture to the burger. Don’t be afraid to let some of the slaw spill over the sides, as it adds to the visual appeal and creates a more dynamic composition.

By following these expert tips, you can create stunning volume and texture in your bacon-cheeseburger for your food photography. Remember to play around with different angles and lighting to capture the burger in its best light. Happy shooting!

3. The Art of Shaping and Searing the Perfect Burger Patty for a Mouthwatering Instagram Post

preheated grill to finish cooking. This two-step process ensures that the burger patty gets a beautiful sear and that it cooks evenly throughout.

To achieve that mouthwatering sear, I recommend using a cast iron skillet. Its even heat distribution will prevent uneven cooking and give your patty a nice caramelized crust. Preheat the skillet on medium heat and lightly coat it with vegetable oil to prevent sticking.

Now let’s talk about the burger patty itself. I prefer a blend of 80% lean beef and 20% fat for a juicy and flavorful result. Take a handful of the meat blend and gently shape it into a round patty, using your thumb and finger to press the meat from the center to the outside. Don’t worry about it being absolutely perfect in shape, but do make sure to pinch any cracks together to prevent them from splitting while cooking.

Make the patty about half an inch bigger than the bun, as it will shrink slightly during cooking. Press the edges of the patty to ensure good contact with the pan. Now it’s time to sear it on the preheated cast iron skillet. Let it cook undisturbed for a few minutes until a crust forms, then flip it over and cook for a few more minutes on the other side. This initial sear will give the patty that caramelized exterior that we all love.

Once seared, transfer the patty onto a preheated grill to finish cooking. The grill will continue to cook the patty evenly and give it those beautiful grill marks. Cook it to your desired doneness, whether it’s medium-rare, medium, or well-done.

By following these steps, you’ll create the perfect burger patty that is not only delicious but also visually appealing for that mouthwatering Instagram post. Don’t forget to add your favorite toppings like cheese, bacon, and slaw to make it even more drool-worthy. Happy grilling and happy burger styling!

4. Food Styling Techniques: Showcasing the Perfectly Cooked Burger Patty in Your Instagram Photos

When it comes to showcasing the perfectly cooked burger patty in your Instagram photos, it’s all about paying attention to the details. LA-based food stylist Santos Low shares some expert tips on achieving the most visually appealing burger shots.

First off, let’s talk about the bun. Santos recommends using a brioche bun for its glamorous appearance. To elevate its aesthetic, he suggests toasting it in a cast iron skillet for an even golden color. Don’t worry about making it perfectly even; a little variation in browning can add a nice touch to the final look. Pressing the edges of the bun as it toasts ensures it makes good contact with the pan, resulting in a deliciously crispy texture.

Next up, let’s not forget about the bacon. Santos opts for a thick-cut maple bacon to add volume to the burger. He suggests cooking the bacon on medium-low heat, allowing it to curl in the pan. These curls not only give the burger a visually appealing shape but also create shelves for the slaw to rest on later. Allow the bacon to develop those natural curls by gently lifting it if needed, ensuring it cooks evenly without overcooking.

Now, onto the patty itself. Santos recommends using a blend of 80% lean beef and 20% fat for a texturally pleasing patty. Using your fingers, press the meat from the center to the outside, shaping it into a round patty. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but be sure to pinch together any visible cracks to prevent them from splitting further during cooking. Form the patty to be about a half inch larger than the bun, as it will shrink slightly while cooking. Pressing the edges of the patty ensures good contact with the pan, leading to a nicely seared exterior.

By following these food styling techniques from Santos Low, you’ll be well on your way to capturing the perfect burger patty in your Instagram photos. Whether it’s the beautifully toasted bun, the carefully curled bacon, or the perfectly shaped patty, attention to detail and presentation can make all the difference in showcasing your burger in the most appetizing way possible.


Q: What is the video about?
A: The video is about how to style and photograph a barbecue bacon cheeseburger with creamy slaw for Instagram.

Q: Who is the host of the video?
A: Santos Low, an LA based food stylist, is the host of the video.

Q: What is the host thinking about when styling the burger?
A: The host is thinking about the bottom to the top of the burger and also thinking about the angle of the camera. The burger is shot at eye level.

Q: What kind of bun does the host use for the burger?
A: The host uses a brioche bun for the burger.

Q: Why does the host like using a cast iron skillet to toast the bun?
A: The host likes using a cast iron skillet because it provides even heat distribution, preventing uneven toasting of the bun.

Q: How does the host toast the bun?
A: After placing the bun on the skillet, the host rotates it to ensure even toasting. The host also presses the edges of the bun as it toasts for better contact with the skillet.

Q: Why did the host choose thick cut maple bacon?
A: The host chose thick cut maple bacon because the burger is going to be stacked, and the bacon needs to be visible. The thickness and flavor of maple bacon add to the overall presentation of the burger.

Q: How does the host cook the bacon?
A: The host starts by heating the pan on medium-low heat and then nests the bacon in the pan so it curls while cooking. This creates volume and shelves for the slaw to rest on the burger.

Q: What type of meat does the host use for the burger patties?
A: The host uses a blend of 80% lean beef and 20% fat for the burger patties. This blend adds more texture to the patty.

Q: How does the host shape and cook the burger patties?
A: The host shapes the patties by using their fingers to press the meat from the center to the outside. The edges of the patty are pressed to ensure better contact. The patties are seared on a flat cast iron skillet.

Q: Is there any specific technique used to maintain the shape of the cooked patty?
A: Any cracks seen in the patty before cooking should be pinched together to prevent them from splitting further during cooking. The cooked patty will shrink slightly but not significantly.

Q: What is the host’s approach to cooking the patty?
A: The host’s approach is to sear the patty on a flat cast iron skillet first before transferring it onto a grill for further cooking.

Please note that the given transcript of the YouTube video might have been edited for conciseness and clarity in the blog post.

Final Notes

plate and finish cooking it in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10-12 minutes. This method ensures that the patty is cooked evenly and retains its juiciness. While the patty is finishing in the oven, I prepare the creamy slaw. I use a combination of shredded cabbage, mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, and a touch of sugar to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. The slaw adds a refreshing and tangy element to the burger, complementing the richness of the bacon and cheese.

Once the patty is cooked to perfection and the slaw is ready, it’s time to assemble the burger. I start with a generous spread of mayonnaise on the bottom bun, followed by a layer of crisp lettuce leaves. Next, I place the juicy patty topped with melted cheese, followed by the perfectly caramelized bacon. To add some crunch, I sprinkle some thinly sliced red onions on top. Finally, I dollop a generous amount of the creamy slaw on the burger, ensuring it adds a vibrant pop of color and texture.

To capture the essence of this delicious creation, I carefully arrange the burger at eye level in front of the camera. I pay attention to every detail, from the angle to the lighting, to ensure that the burger looks as appetizing on screen as it does in person.

Styling the perfect burger for Instagram is an art form. It requires careful consideration of every ingredient and element, from the bun to the toppings. By following these steps and incorporating your own creative twists, you too can create a drool-worthy burger that will make your followers double-tap with envy. So go ahead, give it a try, and get ready to make your Instagram feed the envy of food lovers everywhere.

With the rise of the internet, social media, and cameras, food aesthetics have become an essential part of the culinary experience. Everyone wants to show off their meals with gorgeous photos and the perfect burger is no exception. Here, we provide a few helpful tips to make your burger look picture-perfect for Instagram.

The Bun: The bun of the burger is its foundation, so start with the best quality you can find. Opt for a glossy bun with visible grains–this adds an extra layer of texture, esthetics, and flavor. Toast the buns lightly to bring out the taste, and leave them looking golden brown.

The Patty: Organizations including the USDA advise to cook hamburger patties to an internal temperature of 160°F for safety reasons. However, if you want a juicy-looking burger, we suggest under-cooking the patty slightly. Try cooking patties for 2.5 minutes on each side for a medium-rare patty.

The Toppings: Finding the right toppings can be a daunting task, but it’s worth the effort. Choose a wide variety to create an eye-catching burger. Look to use pickles, a mixture of leafy greens such as arugula, thin-sliced onions, tomatoes, and enliven the photo with colorful condiments like ketchup and chipotle aioli.

The Plating: Now it’s time for the final touch. Arrange the buns on a plate so that there’s a balanced spread, keeping the burger contents in the center. Ready to snap your photo? Use natural light, and experiment with different angles and props to capture the perfect photo.

With these tips, you’ll have no problem styling the perfect Instagram-ready burger. All that’s left to do is relish in the deliciousness and take a mouth-watering photo. Bon appétit!



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