How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary

How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary

Are you curious to know how old Joseph was when he married Mary? For centuries, generations of theologians, historians, and countless other religious scholars have tried to piece together the details surrounding this intriguing event. In this blog, we explore the evidence and uncover the possible age of Joseph at the time of his marriage. Read on to find out more! The Bible’s Account of Joseph and Mary’s Marriage

Joseph and Mary began their marriage in a rather unique situation. According to the Bible, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream warning him not to be afraid to marry Mary, as she was carrying the son of God. Joseph awoke and married Mary in obedience to the divine calling.

Joseph and Mary’s wedding took place in Bethlehem, and was surrounded by joy and celebration. The Book of Matthew recounts the event in the following manner:

  • “…when they had performed everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:39-40).
  • “When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord” (Luke 2:22).

Joseph was Mary’s protector during this time, and, as such, was regarded as the man responsible for Jesus’ upbringing. This responsibility required dedication, devotion, and trust – all characteristics of a strong, successful marriage. Throughout their marriage, Joseph and Mary not only fulfilled the roles of husband and wife, but also of father and mother to the beloved Jesus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old was Joseph when he married Mary?

A: According to historical records, Joseph was approximately 90 years old when he married Mary. This is based on the assumption that when Mary became pregnant with Jesus, Joseph was at least old enough to be considered a husband and a father.

In Conclusion

From Joseph and Mary’s childless marriage to the eventual conception of Jesus, this article has explored the timeframe in which the two wed. Ultimately, we know that Joseph was at least ninety years old when he married Mary. We can only hope that this story is a testament to true love and devotion, even when societies deem it unusual.

The Bible does not record the exact age when Joseph and Mary were married, but most biblical scholars believe that Joseph and Mary were likely adolescents when they married.

Joseph was a carpenter and a member of the Jewish tribe of Judah. As a young man, he had been chosen to be the husband of Mary, who had recently become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. According to Jewish custom, when a virgin was betrothed to a man, the two were legally wed, even though they would not actually live together or begin a family until the bride was of age.

The people of the time generally married young, and it is thought that Joseph and Mary wed when they both reached the age of around twelve or thirteen years old. This would’ve been the standard age for marriage in the culture and would make the most sense when considering the timeline of Jesus’ birth.

Though many traditions or customs of today do not coincide with the marriage of Joseph and Mary in the Bible, their story provides a reminder of the beauty of faith and commitment. It also serves as an example of obedience, as both Joseph and Mary respected the will of God and followed His instructions as unmarried young people.

Regardless of their age at the time of marriage, Joseph and Mary’s marriage is a special part of religious history, reminding us of the miracles and power of the divine. Their union set the stage for the world’s introduction to Jesus, the Son of God, and the subsequent start of Christianity. For this reason, it will continue to be celebrated throughout the ages.



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